Tag Archives: abuse

blogging class

I went to a blogging class at the troy center today. What I learned was this blog needs a lot of work; so much so I might want to start over, fresh.  Our instructor suggested we should narrow our focus, find a niche. 10389416_10205087600407029_5595394108307297444_nI originally started this blog to get away from Facebook and it seems after taking this course my blog is basically a hobby. I need a good mission statement:

something like

This is a platform is where I,can share my works combining both, Pennyleedeerephotography and Penyleemaiden’s . This a special place with the intent of portraying interesting messages to others. I hope you find topics presented enlightening, noteworthy or even funny. You will see a different perspective,since it comings from a learning disabled person. I will try and share my creative process.

Black Rose Changing

#1billionrising #vetsrising Myself Penny Lee Deere​ and ChristineRose – both survivors wrote a piece called Black Rose Changing; it is a conversion with to woman veterans – we both love photography – so we put the 2 moralities to together – I’m hoping that if you ever feel alone you can play this video and you will know someone is listening – powerful! – please share – lets send it viral!

Mallards in the Park

Image                                         Mallard’s in the park by Penny McInnis

            This park is a very pleasant; A place to be on a wonderful spring afternoon. I feel safe. The sun is bright and it feels so nice on my skin- I am calm inside; everything is perfect. There are couples sitting on park benches, dogs in obedience training, people walking, and sounds of children playing. It is a perfect opportunity ….for this stalker (me with a camera) to caption the perfect shot! I turn my lens to the wildlife and this photographer is awe of what fills my frame.

            All of a sudden, I see these three beautiful mallard ducks running toward me – I’m sure they did not notice me…they were blinded by pure raw desire! It looked to me like a female duck was running for her life, desperately wanting to escape! She has three males in pursuit, there was no use, and they are successful! The 1st one took her, than another took her, and then another, took what he wanted from her and just left her wondering what to do next. She brushes herself off and continued on, with her afternoon like nothing ever happened. What I witnessed was a gang bang.

            I no longer feel safe. There was a sudden change in the sun, shadows fell and clouds appeared. Dusk was setting in! I wanted to get out of there. I wanted and needed to be safe or at least feel safe again till the next event clouds my judgment and comes barreling in uninvited.





3 generations of abuse

DOG DAYS – A blast from the past
My son, who is fourteen at the time, is punching his fist on a book, doing his best to break the binding. I begin to yell at him, my usual reaction during one of his common fits of rage but what I say sends a chill up my spine.
“How would you like that done to you?” I scream. Where in the world did that come from?
Then it hits me. All in a flash I remember those same words directed at me, a defenseless little girl, as I landed on our flagstone patio.
I was recalling an incident that had been buried for 35 years. I am guessing I was about 5 years old. My recollection of the scene is this.
I had been mean to a little puppy. I would pick him up and then throw him back down again. I can still remember his yelps. I can’t imagine doing that to any animal or anything today, which makes me wonder what led me to that state of violence. I have no idea why I would do such a horrible act. Did I see other people treat animals and people like that? Is that why I hurt the defenseless little dog? I don’t know why a quiet, pretty, blonde-hair little tike would do such a thing.
My mother came to the dog’s rescue. She had heard the dog’s cries and wails from inside our ratty old house of wheels. This enormous size woman – think white Aunt Jemina – was going to show her pip-squeak daughter a thing or two.

She comes at me screaming.
“How would you like that done to you!” she bellows. Since I do not have a scuff on my neck like my puppy, she grabs my ponytail. As soon as she gets me high enough, she slams me down, than snatches me right back up again, over and over, again and again. This continues until her strength runs out.
Thank god she was a heavy smoker – 4 packs a day.
That’s all I can remember from that awful day. The old battle-ax always pulled my hair instead of giving me spankings. That same spot on my head still hurts, every time I get angry or upset it’s as if she is still torturing me. This reminder has stirred up notions about what other awful events might have happened to me that I cannot recall.
I ask myself how anyone can do this to anyone! Say anything about a sweet little girl? Do something so mean? But that little girl was being evil to those poor little dogs.
As an adult, I wanted so desperately – I really wanted to break the cycle of abuse, and then I found myself doing the same thing!
My daughter also remembers that day I lost my temper with my son. You see I had just gotten notice that he had not been attending school for a 20-day period. I was livid! I stormed into the house and found him playing games with another boy who had also skipped school that day. I picked up the nearest thing close to me- I found a curtain rod! And I began to whale on him! This weapon was so very similar to the switches my mother found so handy throughout my childhood. Again I ask myself how anyone could do such a thing to their own child or any child. I ask you now: am I so different than that mother I despise?
I had no idea what I had done. When I saw I left whelps on my first born’s legs, it was awful! I asked my daughter about it recently. She is a grown woman now.

“Mom, you never hit either one of us again!” she said.
Well, I am glad of that, but still.
Too many years later, long after my son’s death, I found out why he did not go to school. His social studies teacher was molesting him. My son did not confide in me. I’m very sorry for that and my actions still today! As a type of repentance I tend to look out for the underdog, for those who cannot defend themselves.